Whenever I see someone that is going through the exact same mental state as I did i can only watch them die. I don’t say anything to help and if I do it always makes it worse. It’s like you can never reason with mental Illness but I always take that to the next level and start getting mad! It’s bad it’s really bad… I guess I’m not going into therapy when I grow up…
Try not to be to hard on yourself. Can’t really help someone till you help yourself sometimes. Can also be a bit much too deal with others problems while you’re dealing with your own. Especially if you have issues with that person. Sometimes things are just to close to home. Meaning your still struggling with that issue yourself.
Mostly you do pick up skills also a bit more confidence of what has worked for you as has been confirmed that it is helpful and not damaging by doing therapy. Did for me at any rate. Although most comment why don’t you take your own advice, to me often. .
I’ve heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. There have been times when my best intentions almost created a catastrophe. People can over rate their empathy. I wouldn’t worry too much about your lack of this emotion. Just don’t get a job in counseling or therapy.
I’m starting to think my intentions aren’t so great. maybe that one negative person was right. We all have bad intentions and we are just blissfully ignorant.
Yeah , empathy is a word that gets thrown around
Don’t worry about it ,
I mean I found that sweet spot just maintaining it is the hard part and losing it is what makes me feel destroyed. And everyone knows telling people about it is not productive so my only intention is obviously for attention not trying to help…
I found that if it wasn’t reason x , it would be reason y, my mind would find a away to be self critical.
Yeah but the bad thing about it is it’s true. Everyone want’s attention I need people to know I am sorry for my earlier post that I didn’t mean to offend anybody I pissed off mouse pretty bad and I know he’s knows a lot about what I talk about because he’s a psych student and totally disagrees. I just wanted to apologize for getting mad.
People want attention. My genius has been to get the attention I desire through positive avenues.
I’d say go into therapy if you want to.
your young and have much of your journey left
People get taught how to be therapist. They get taught how to listen to people in pain all day and not top themselves
there are many many different types of therapy from life coaches to full on pdocs… you will find your mode.
Even when your a full trained therapist… you’re not going to heal everyone. No one can.
I’d say go for it.
I have a similar thing with depression. I was in a depression group when I first started seeing a pdoc/therapist. I couldn’t stand people whining about their depression and how bad their life is and what not. It’s not that I’m not sympathetic to the grasp that depression has on them. I just can’t stand it when they let their mood dictate everything and complain about everything while they realize it’s the depression making them think that way.
I’ve always been like that with myself. Tried to never let it get the best of me. I would try to remember it’s just a state of mind that will soon pass and try to get on with my life. Basically I would just say “f**k you depression” and walk away.
I don’t mean to sound like an ass, depression can be very difficult, I just think people should fight it with everything they got and not constantly complain that it bested them when they didn’t even try.
I would make a horrible therapist.
My empathy is not handed out like Halloween candy.
Yeah I guess I didn’t know what To expect when all I do is complain on here. I’ll find it again someday.
Empathy vs compassion definition
If someone was drowning in the water.
Empathy is throwing yourself in the water.
Compassion is throwing them a rope.
I live in an assisted living facility, and there is one man here and all he does is say how depressed he is, how he hates it here, and he is going to die here, and basically how miserablle he is, that is all i hear from him day in, and day out. It has gotten to the point that i avoid him. It is not that i have no heart, but you can only have so much empathy, and then hell, shut up already.