Embarrassed :0

I’ve been using the nouns “plunder” and “spoils” in some of my poems, because I’ve read those words a lot in a book. turns out that those words are not just synonyms for treasure, in Google’s dictionary…

well RIP me ever using those two words again. : /


This is interesting

what does it mean ‘spoil’ ? I heard it from someone else in another context :joy:

I am not kidding though

spoils: goods stolen or taken forcibly from a person or place.

definitely not what a romantic poet should be writing about. : /

“So verily, your merciful goodness of striving effort will win many deserved victories, as plunder and spoils will be as tasteful as honeycomb and as plentiful as manna.”

even if it sounds sweet, I don’t want readers to think that the word is cool to use. : /

do you think so, Miss Sherlock? :spy:

but yeah, I didn’t use enough feminine words in that, so that’s why it’s religious.

could you show me how you used it?!

This sounds so religious ? maybe from the bible ?