Electro convulsive therapy

After i informed my pdoc that i am not able to take the stress anymore. It is something is not responding to the medications. He advised ECT. Does anyone have idea about it or gone through it?

How much does it cost in India? How long should i be admitted?


I don’t have any first hand experience but I think this thread should be bumped so



It seems to be a last resort for depression. Not sure about other features but others will know.

No idea of the expense. I’d expect an expert and you’d probably want that.

It’s a lot better than it used to be but not sure about India!

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I’ve done it, just in case you are in danger of suicide,
There are newer methods of stimulating brain with low currents for depression that are not so aggressive, u can use them in home,

Search for it and ask your psychiatrist about them,

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Whoa, I don’t know about at home diy ECT. That seems super sketchy. You should definitely let a trained professional handle that.

No, its not ECT,
Its an apparatus that scientists have made for depression, it makes such low currents that you don’t even feel it,
Unfortunately, I have forgotten its name,

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Is it tDCs? I did a quick Google search and that’s all I found.


Yes that’s it, good ability of googling things out,


I’ve seen ECT do a lot of good in treating depression.

I’ve heard it causes problems with memory in a lot of cases


I believe @SunGirl or @SunLion went through ECT. I could be wrong, though.


I’ve been getting ECT for years for my sz. It helps the medication work. It costs about $800 each session but my insurance pays it. Usually you stay in the hospital for the first month of treatments. You get a treatment 3x a week for a month then they space them out. It does cause some memory problems but they’re not too bad. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: :sun_with_face:


Thanks for all the responses. I am hesitant for every reply and thought. I am experiencing severe depression. I was told that it will be 6 sessions for 2 weeks. I need to be in the hospital.

Some patients have been in a very good mood after getting that. It didnt do much good to me…i felt nausea. NB! Dont eat anything before you do it. Cause if you throw up during it you might suffocate and die.

During my first hospitalization, it seemed like all the other patients were having ECT done. It was amazing to watch their transformations. They were SI before and afterwards… content, I’m not sure the word I’m searching for. But it made a huge change on their disposition and their faces were lit up again. Only 1 had a reaction, seizures, but I think he was prone to them before and it took him longer to recover.

I would not touch ECT with a ten-foot pole, there is evidence that it causes brain damage and in many cases you forget where you are, even your name temporarily when you are coming out of it, a frightening experience! When they turn on the juice it induces a grand-mal seizure!


Argeed!! I do not support, ECT. @Noise


A dab will do ya

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It’s a risky procedure, which is why it’s usually saved for a last resort. But I’m guessing that if @Melomaniac’s Doctor is suggesting it, they’ve already exhausted all other options. The benefits might be worth the risks.

Memory loss is a risky side effect, but it usually goes away after six months. The positive effects last much longer than that.

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The problem i have is i am not able to remember anything good. I am constantly being haunted by certain negative or traumatic events. All i hear is I am so bad person and not fit to live. I had medications for last 1 year. There has not been any improvement in me.