ECT for negative symptoms

I read on another site that someone with treatment resisistant depression went inpatient for ECT with good results. Anybody tried this for negative symptoms and did it work.

I don’t think depression and negative symptoms are caused by the same thing. Could be wrong though.

They would probably consider a ssri!

Ect isn’t used for scz as much in my country unless your catatonic or have debilitating treatment resistant depression…

Also, I have only heard bad things. I do know some people get better, but I don’t know any myself.

I am currently in pph and my doctor just suggested ect. I think I will pass.

I’m getting ECT for schizoaffective d/o bipolar type. In two days actually. It’s mainly for severe depression, but the doctors and I are also hoping for improvement with decreasing frequency of manic episodes and psychotic symptoms.