Ear plugs or headphones to sleep and not have auditory and voices

Ear plugs or headphones to sleep and not have auditory and voices? Any tips?

I tried ear plugs years ago. I found that once I took then off the voices came rushing in.

Ear plugs don’t work for me, I can still hear them.

Headphones with music I can focus on helps.
Or a TV on sleep timer. Something to distract me.

Also, welcome to the forum!

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Theres plenty of Youtube vids that play stuff like rain and thunder for 24hrs whilst you sleep. I would go for bluetooth earbuds in bed, they are only about 40 quid on amazon.

Nice to meet you. Seth.

When I was on the psych ward I stuffed my ears full of tissue (no ear plugs) thinking it would get rid of the voices but it didn’t.

The tissue got stuck in my ear and the psychiatrist had to pull it out with tweezers.

When I had an episode a while ago…headphones helped. Listening to things via headphones. It’s a distraction. It didn’t stop the voices but it distracted me.

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