" Due to some of his personality traits he finds it hard to develop or sustain social relationships"

" Due to some of his personality traits he finds it hard to develop or sustain social relationships".

This written in a letter supporting my move to be near my stepdaughter. This written from the perspective of my being diagnosed with a personality disorder. The only problem being personality disorders don’t develop till late teens/early adulthood and I can trace my social difficulties to way before the teenage years. It’s things like this that legitimise the belief that mental health professionals are often not the most intelligent of people.


Funny thing about pdocs. Their job is to “read minds” which is in several ways said to be delusional in various parts of the mental health division.

It’s a cognitive distortion, a delusion, and probably several other things I did not mention.

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I just wish they’d be intelligent enough to look at all the facts before arriving at a conclusion.

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