I’ve got this issue now, it’s mainly at night. Throughout the day I am largely in charge of my thinking, I think about what I want to think about. When I lay down for bed though I sort of switch gears, letting my mind drift and do what it wants in hopes of it wearing out allowing me to fall asleep.
What is odd is some of these thoughts my mind produces when drifting are much more creative, complete, and enthralling. I know that because that’s the feeling I get as I watch them develop. Whenever they hit this threshold of interest, I snap out of the drift state and for a split second I remember what I was just thinking about and then its gone. It’s really odd to not be able to recall something that happened just 5 to 10 seconds prior.
I’ll then slip back into the drift state and after a minute or so something will start happening and then I snap out of it with little to no memory. This cycle went on for about 2.5 hours last night before I finally fell asleep.
It almost feels like dreaming, but I’m definitely awake. I might keep a notebook next to my bed to keep track of these crazy thoughts and happenings. It might help my mind build the capacity to recall stuff from that state if I keep it all logged. They are pretty interesting thoughts, and it sucks to loose them. It’s not like I willfully created them though, they just sort of manifest.
Any one else deal with anything like this? If so what did you do?