Dr Zen Has to pick out a baby kitten but which one. please vote


DrZen! It’s great to hear from you again! I can’t vote, they’re all too nice.

  • Kitten 1 (top)
  • Kitten 2 (middle)
  • Kitten 3 (bottom)

0 voters

All of them :heart:️ or, the middle one if you can only have one.

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Pick the one that seems to like you the most, the cuddler of the bunch. Let it pick you.


as a rescuer I say choose the one who has the personality you desire, picking out a cat based on looks can often lead to heart ache as you end up with a cat who dosnt want to cuddle with you, or only wants to sleep, and never play

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They’re all too cute! I voted but the vote is at a dead heat for all three!

What a coincidence, I got a kitten myself last week. He’s all black (but will probably develop white splotches as he gets bigger) and his name is Egon (you know… Dr Spengler from Ghostbusters?). I’ll try to put up a pic soon, he’s a cute little butthead, very playful and curious, cuddly at times, quite affectionate and relaxed.

Best wishes to you and the new fuzzy friend!


I have my 2 laying on either side of me. They are cuddly and free spirited.

I voted, but you should evaluate your connections with them. Which one do you want?

:tiger2: :leopard: :tiger: :smile_cat: :smiley_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:

If you can take two, you should take two. They’ll have each other for playmates.