Anyone gets these paranoid double meanings thoughts when someone talks to you, I sometimes zone out out of a conversation and interpret that some simple sentences have some ridicule meaning to me trying to insult or scare me. Anyone else?
I feel like socially I give the double meanings out and also begin to get them back.
Very often, I interpret sentences, gesture or attitude of other people in a paranoid persecution or plotting way. That’s very disabling and disturbing in social interactions.
İ feel similar feeling on this forum.whenever i post something i thought somebody opening a thread regarding that post.i don t know if this delusion or paranoia but its annoying
This happens alot. Reminds me that once someone asked if i had learbed to speak in double meanings so i thought everybody did.
Yes, when I was psychotic I would come up with elaborate secondary meanings for what many people were saying.
same here, when i was unmedicated i gave double meanings to everything. anything that was said i translated to mean something different. i began to see it as a game they were trying to play to speak over my head without me realizing and it drove me crazy.
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