Dose Bigfoot Exist Poll...... ☘

  • 1 YES
  • 2 NO
  • 3 maybe

0 voters


I had to vote no… I’m sure someone would have seen him by now and taken a photo… :thinking:


He does exist. Hes been seen by many here in the remote areas in Africa

I have seen proof. I work in a shop that sell shoes and I have seen a European size 56. I think 45 is a UK 11. So 56 is definitly big foot.


I have traveled many places from the top of Alaska to the tip in the Belize seen many of animals in the wild even in the most dense forest I don’t think an animal like this exist it would be nice to know that we have a relationship between some cousin of ape and man that’s the most that I have found similar to Bigfoot was the giant sloth standing 9 ft call with a foot measuring approximately 16 in digging claws the same amount of length and hairier then a llama with Matt’s maybe someday genetic scientist well managed to make one until then keep looking


It’s well possible according to anthony and others. I see no reason why unknown more intelligent species could exist in remote regions. We find new species all the time. Especially in the oceans I believe. The earth is mind bogglingly large, it’s also possible that it once existed and is now extinct. Don’t forget that things like neadrathals etc lived alongside humans. Some of those species could easily have hung on a bit longer than we realize but being very rare.

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No, I thought it was funny because I used to go camping and your supposed to leave the campsite as you found it…

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I think it’s a possibility

Dose him with what?….antipsychotics?

Bigfoot exist:

It’s been too long, with all the technology we have available, that we still haven’t got good proof. I don’t believe it exists. Plus I’ve seen so much of the best “evidence” of Bigfoot debunked. The best evidence for like 40 years was that grainy 8 or 9 second film from about 30 feet away of a Bigfoot type creature that everybodies seen. It was finally proved that it was faked. Most of the so called footprints found are either other animals footprints like bears or faked also. It’s like a year ago when I was talking to a friend and he mentioned that with everybody having cellphone cameras nowadays, why hasn’t there been a good shot of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster? Sightings of the Loch Ness monster have actually gone down since the advent of the cell phone camera.

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