I don’t want to go to work today. My emotions and mental state are pretty wack today and I don’t want to try to deal with them and work. But I can’t call in cause I work at Walmart and haven’t earned enough sick time. Plus I’d feel really bad just dipping out on my coworkers.
Don’t think about it too much. Just go to work. You are saying you are feeling bad on your team. On the other hand your boss is in monacco on his luxury yot. When you work harder he can buy another one.
Are you a truck unloader?
IDK, maybe once you’re there, you’ll be so busy that you’ll feel better because you are concentrating on your work and not your problems. That’s usually how it is for me.
@anon53623539 yeah that’s true
@GrayBear no I work in the deli
@77nick77 hopefully but sometimes deli can be really slow
@NeoPolitan02 did you go to work?
I have an interview tomorrow. I havent been on clozapine that long hope I’m not jumping into it too soon.
I did go to work it wasn’t too bad
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