Don't go giving up

Just because I’m in some pain. I tell myself this because the body has ways of dealing with pain if I’ll just be patient enough to let it happen.


Be grateful you don’t have Larsens like my sister does.

Oh. I am so sorry. How old is your sister?

She’s 44. She was born with it.

Can she find fulfillment?

She’s a very good artist. She can’t work because of it so she gets disability but sometimes does face painting at fairs and stuff for a little extra money. She also makes dream catchers and jewelry

She’s intelligent and reads a lot but she has to sit or lie down most of the time because of her pain.

Her husband is abusive though and she doesn’t believe in divorce. She’s been with him for 20 years

Thank you for telling me about her. It opened my eyes just a little bit more.

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