That’s what we call it at work when you dust all the desks and stuff in cubicles and offices that are below you’re neck.
Your mind wanders and I was thinking of all the pot I smoked as a teenager. Just thinking about it makes me exahausted, lol. We smoked a lot of pot and we used to get so burned out. No more though.
Usually pot made me fall asleep, or get paranoid or feel like I couldn’t breathe or all three. But sometimes I could take just one hit and it would actually help my anxiety. I don’t know why sometimes it was ok and sometimes not. I guess there’s different kinds but I never figured out which one was helping me. Back in the day things weren’t consistent. Now you can order specific types for specific ailments in all kinds of forms. I played around with it a little at one of the dispensaries, but whatever I got was the wrong stuff so I gave it away. I figured I didn’t need it that bad anyway.