Doing better now

They didn’t take me seriously at the hospital I think it’s cuz Medicare doesn’t give them as much money. Maybe not true. But the lady kept trying to downplay what I’m saying from the start I was crying the entire time. I had a lot going on. The ppl at the beginning were awesome and caring so at least I got to cry to them and they cared then in the psych unit they don’t seem to care and refer me to iop. I wasn’t overly suicidal but a little bit I was ashamed to say it but I was and she didn’t take me seriously maybe I need to be more upfront about it next time I went home and felt more suicidal but then I bought cigarettes and books and start reading and I feel much better and I may have a new friend too who’s cool


Also the med change may be kicking in so maybe she was right but I didn’t feel safe at the time


Glad you’re doing better @Jonnybegood

Hang in there.


My therapist and psychiatrist are both taking the week off too so that stresses me out and other things. Impulsively spending money. Lady in psych hospital didn’t think it was an issue. Or that I feel intense Anxiety when I’m not high on pot. It’s less now from more abilify. But it was horrible for a week or so there she just says I have a drug problem but I only abuse drugs when I have a mental health problem. When my mental health is good I don’t abuse drugs. She was making assumptions


Hope you get through all this @Jonnybegood. Hang in there.


Congratulations on the new friend and good that your feeling better.


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