Does your home have a "meal ordeal"

It seems like getting a meal on the table is chaos every night.


I struggle with this too :frowning:

I cook dinner every night,

For some reason, I find it very relaxing and get upset when other people want to cook.

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Yeah I cooked yesterday, so good for a few days now, normally i just heat things up

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Cooking is one of my favourite things.



I love to cook. Dad is a bit boring though and just eats set things but I’ll cook two meals just to give me some variety. I also like eating so that makes it easier to get into cooking. I’m not a bad short order cook these days.

My parents bring home food and cook it for me.
I can fry eggs, boil pasta and put sauce, make sandwiches, etc sometimes.

My frustration is that I have to make 2 separate dinners every night. One for my daughter who is vegan and another for my husband and stepdaughter who prefer meat

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