Does this make me bad? I'm only human

I had this friend. All through out my life he was quick to point out how great he was doing, and how badly I was doing.

The only thing in fact that he was doing better was earning more money.

Now finally life has caught up with him and he’s miserable.

Am I a bad person for finally feeling like justice has been served?


Feeling like it? No.

Now if you do the same thing right back, well, then you’re pushing it.


Karma. And like you said. You’re only human.


Massaging your ego and relishing in someone else’s suffering isn’t a healthy thing to do.

That is not real pleasure or good for you. It smacks of bitterness and resentment which is what you truly feel inside. It is you who feels bad inside, so not only is this friend miserable, but you are too.

Self discovery and knowing who you are is the only true way out of misery.

I, for example, contemplated revenge for 5 minutes today. I was filled with hate, bitterness and resentment, but I realised it was me who was feeling these things. It was me who was suffering. I realised that revenge is a pit of despair.

I feel much better letting go of that.

Move on, let go and don’t dwell on the pleasure you gained from someone else’s unhappiness. If you remain there it is like drinking a poison and hoping the other person dies.


You are good @everhopeful
Feeling that you have now is coming from supressed emotions through years…
Tomorrow you won’t feel that way.

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I want other people to be miserable. Im tired of seeing happy people every time i go outside.

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For most people it is a giant acting role. People pretend to be happy so that their egos flourish but deep down, just waiting to explode is a deep, profound unhappiness.

They fill their time with meaningless work or baseless entertainment trying to escape it, but it is always there and our society is built this way. The fact is most people are unhappy. Just ask the countless millions on antidepressants who escape themselves each and every day, or the average Joe who has to drink every day just to get by or smoke weed. They are all running away from themselves because they don’t like who they are or what they do.


Or you can do what I did and become someone who is not miserable. It’s more fun.


I know because im one of those people, but when i say i want other people to be miserable what i mean is i want them to stop pretending they arent miserable.

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I actually think you guys are projecting your feelings onto other people. Not everyone is unhappy just because you are. Sadly, I am not one of those that is happy most of the time, but fortunately, I am not depressed either. I’m mostly just blah.

@rhizome and @labratmat


I used to be happy much more often when I was younger. Especially pre sz, so I know that there are lots of people that are genuinely mostly happy out there.


You are only human @everhopeful.
Yeah this is a normal way to feel.
It doesn’t make you a bad person.


I think in this case you are justified and it’s OK.


I’m really not miserable. Not everything is perfect, but I spend most of my day in an okay state of mind. Sometimes I’m “meh”, but I also have periods of extended happiness, contentment, and serenity. I think this is pretty healthy. Life is more fun when you take time to have fun.


Nope. Sounds like a pretty normal reaction to me.

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  1. pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.

“a business that thrives on schadenfreude”

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I think it’s a pretty normal reaction. Being bitter about life though is another thing and wanting hurt on others isn’t particularly the nice side of humanity.

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I think people forget that people have more than just a happy emotion and an unhappy. There’s emotions all in-between. And none of it permanent. It’s always changing.


We’re all subject to those petty jealousies. They’re best left repressed, but that isn’t always possible. I don’t think you’re bad for having these little resentments, but your life will be happier if you try to diminish them.

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I mean its natural to be tempted but I wouldn’t bask in those feelings. Things could easily flip around so its always best to be humble and care for everyone. Its not a sin to be tempted.

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