Does the aps slow down the thinking?

probably ill see an improvement with my obsessive thoughts,is this right? i always think that ill never be like others,its an fixe idea. i am suffering like that,sorry to write once again but i would like to know if i could be relieved some day…this kind of thinking shouldnt be in my head,thats right? i can hardly communicate with people, i find difficult to talk,i am scared…and to they help the worries?

Yes, they do slow down my thinking. In good ways and bad ways.

ufff, this fear. this paranoia… i cant get them free from them…it shell sz…ive tried without meds and i become aggressive and cant stop crying for help…

yeah,its hell my illness. i pay attention not to touch people in the transport…probably i am afraid that they ll be angry…when there is violence i am scared also,when people talk louder i am saying to myself i ll never be fine with that :(…i ll wait with the haldol,its too soon but i am afraid ill always stay in this hell. i am kinda autistic since child and i count really on meds,therapies dont help a lot

Anti-Ps have a tendency to reduce obsessive thinking by means of reducing dopamine flow at the synamptic junctions from one nerve to the next in the limbic emotion regulation system above the top of the brain stem and below the cerebral cortex. But best treatment guidelines suggest that once the patient has finally found a meds or meds that reduce anxiety from psychotic or borderline down to a neurotic level, the patient should begin a course of psychotherapy to reduce their irrational thinking. The best therapies for that at this time are…

REBT – Rational emotive behavior therapy - Wikipedia
Schematherapy – Schema therapy - Wikipedia
Learned Optimism – Learned optimism - Wikipedia
Standard CBT –

I’m interested in Learned Optimism. But I could only find one book on it, on Amazon.

Are there books on it that are practical?