I’ve been doing really well on 15mg olanzapine, but I’ve also been under a lot of stress lately, and some symptoms are starting to creep in. Is this “normal”? Should I be worried? Will things go back to quiet once I’m through this?
Stress triggers symptoms. For sure. There’s a great chance things will return to normal once the stress is over.
Don’t stress too much. Hugs
For me stress causes symptoms. When I manage the stress I see a decrease in the symptoms. Take care of yourself. Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, eating regular, healthy meals, getting some exercise, doing things that relax you like listening to music or meditating, and drink plenty of water.
It does for me. And having a lot of stress right now.
@roxanna @Leaf @Owl82 @everhopeful
Thanks all, you’ve got me feeling a little less anxious. It’s been a rough few weeks.
I broke up with my boyfriend, had a falling out with a really close friend, had another close friend express suicidal ideation, had a really difficult conversation with my mom, had another friend ghost me, found out that my favorite roommate is moving out in September, AND ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE I got heatstroke
that’s really a lot to deal with all at once. I hope you get through it all ok.
Thanks! I’m sure I will, it’s just been really tough
I stress 24/7. I stress thinking about stress. So ya, it does. I have since healed somewhat, but I was diagnosed with acute stress disorder early on but never diagnosed with ptsd. Basically, I was super chronically stressed 24/7. It has since gotten better with time and self-help/self-talk. I used to get panic attacks and depersonalisation and derealization and stuff. My vision was blurry and I hated existence.
I believe so.
Stress is my big leveller. I do well most times but put a little stress on me for an extended period and I fall apart. Mostly it’s subtle parnanoia that builds up but I live pretty lo key these days. I try to minimize that stress whilst still living a realized life…
I’m under a lot of stress lately and my depression just won’t go away.
Even on Lamictal which has strong antidepressant properties.
To answer your question @anon2818416
Yes stress can definitely trigger symptoms.
It seems to do so for most people. All mental health professionals I encountered except my first psychiatrist warn me for it. Fact is though that my episodes all arose in the absence of ordinary stress in terms of too much to do, pressure of work or study etc. Instead they came about in periods when I was not meaningfully engaged in anything. The lack of meaningful engagement is what my first psychiatrist called negative stress. In that sense my episodes could be called stress induced. But the bottom line for me is that I need preoccupation and stimuli.
I would agree that stress triggers symptoms.
I would be worried if the stress goes down, and you return to normal; and your symptoms don’t go down, return to normal.
I think it will be fine. Just try to not get paranoid about anything.
I remember when I had my first episode I started stressing because I had a falling out with a couple of people at work, and sick leave didn’t even cross my mind. I went to work and there was this horrendous mood in the environment. The stress was so much that I lost my mind. But I think it mainly was because I got paranoid at the same time this was going on.
Actually paranoia seems to be part of all my relapses I think, but it goes hand in hand with stress.
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