Does Sarcosine work straight away or take a while to work

I think I tried Sarcosine before and didn’t have effect on negative symptoms. Does it work straight away or do you have to take it a while for it to work?

Sarcosine’s effects are instant and short lived, much like a cigarette.

Hope this helps.

for me it starts right a way but the benefits start work in a week or so. I had in creased sweating and it was all in the head area. which led me to think it gets rid of impurities.

I think it might have a positive impact right away, after all it is statistically shown to improve some negative symptoms at least a little bit. Knowing that, the placebo effect might give you a boost, even though logically it couldn’t have done much to you even though you just took it.

Good ol placebo effect don’t mind if you know about it or not.

I think Sarcosine works, you build it up in your system, and it stops working for a bit. I just started taking it again and I’m getting a bit of the old zest back again, like when I first took it.

If thats what I gotta do, thats what I gotta do. 6 months on 6months off 6 months on.

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