It frightens me some as cancer is one of my top fears
It’s the processed humans that scare me.
Found in red grapes… been shown to curb the development of errant blood vessels which support tumors… so basically anticancer agent… cancer cells live and die just like normal cells in stead of forming colonies that make tumors…
Did you know that out of your trillions of cells… some are always cancering? The real issue is cell colonies… the body isn’t totally defenseless against cells that malfunction…
“The strongest evidence of anticancer action of resveratrol exists for tumors it can contact directly,”
Yes, processed meats frightens me now.
I don’t know how long it’s been since I ate a sausage or some sort of processed meat. Years.
Still scares me
All meats frighten me.
not really.
Alcohol/drugs - traffic - airplane travel - bacteria from hot destiantions - antipsychotic side effects - violence - robbery
those would be quite a lot higher on my afraid off list.
I just recently only buy ham, chicken or beef now. no more bologna or hot dogs since the latest report that processed meat causes cancer. Changed my life.
I am sticking with chicken and fish.
only if it is too big, like i couldnt eat a whole cow or a pig, maybe a chicken but not really, an egg i think i can do an egg lol
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