I just received a message on there and am super skeptic if it is a real person. She’s slightly younger than I am & is apparently within a 50 mile radius. I dunno bruhs, I joined just as an experiment - to try & reach out socially.
I must add that I am incredibly worried about this kind of stuff. I’m doing it to try & improve self-esteem & sociability.
I think the key is just to avoid any obvious scammer tactics - like
long distance phone numbers or paid per minute calls, that you need to call (they bill your credit card as you talk…
people you meet who need a loan or money for any reason (other than in the immediate dating situation).
From the FBI Site:
Recognizing an Online Dating Scam Artist
Your online “date” may only be interested in your money if he or she:
Presses you to leave the dating website you met through and to communicate using personal e-mail or instant messaging;
Professes instant feelings of love; Sends you a photograph of himself or herself that looks like something from a glamour magazine;
Claims to be from the U.S. and is traveling or working overseas;
Makes plans to visit you but is then unable to do so because of a tragic event; or
Asks for money for a variety of reasons (travel, medical emergencies, hotel bills, hospitals bills for child or other relative, visas or other official documents, losses from a financial setback or crime victimization).
OKCUPID is full of Scammers, fake profiles and institutions that use the site for dates online investigations. I have had a lot of bad experiences with men that can be from Scotland 62 years old with kids and at the time can be from Canada 57 seven years old without kids. I think that there are a lot o fpeopl eliving only for joke to oehter people there. The worst is Cupid doesnt do nothing about.
On the flip side, I was curious after my divorce and already had an account at “ok cupid” for quite a few years because I like to take those on line tests. They made it super easy to “fill out your profile by answering those questions,” so just out of curiosity I did. Then reluctantly I put up a picture. I also put I was in a new relationship, but we hadn’t committed to being exclusively with each other yet, and I was honest about not looking for a relationship from the site.
The responses I got were troubling to say the least. I was overwhelmed at all the responses, there were over 200 the first week.
I emailed the first few, but they got real offended and aggressive when I refused to give them my phone number, or meet them. They accused me of not writing my own responses for the questions, said it probably wasn’t my picture(!) and resorted to acting like a brat (aw, they said, Don’t be such a baby, meet me in person…nope.
Then I got pathetic responses from guys offering to meet them at a local casino, they’d buy me dinner and all the drinks I wanted (I don’t drink), and they’d let me gamble all I wanted _with their money,_and I could keep all I won. That one made me feel so sad for how pathetic and desperate he was.
The guys seemed so…not like anyone I’d ever consider, based on how aggressive they were, and this was supposed to be them on their best behavior?
So glad I never had to deal with actual dating, online or otherwise, it’s unreal how scary folks can be.