i heard long term use of antipsychotics can initiate permanent health problems like tardive dyskinesia ,malignant syndrome …isit true any one experinecing any sort of discomfort from longterm use
Varies in person happened to me with short term use.
If its not happening to you no need to worry
I wasn’t on it long enough to develop TD, mainly because Zyprexa made me dangerously fat (explosive weight gain) and helped me develop diabetes.
First time I took zyprexia; voices were silent for about 10 seconds… then came back - additional doses later didn’t give the same effect.
I also fainted in the middle of the road after my first dose (10 seconds no voices dose)… Managed to stagger to a seat, but blacked out after and stayed that way for about 1 hour. Never blacked out after. Never had an effect on my state too - didn’t help, after the first 10 seconds dose
The goal for most doctors these days isn’t to eliminate symptoms, but to mitigate them to the point where you can cope with the leftovers using recovery strategies from programs like CBT (look it up at www.schizophrenia.com main site). I’ve got background voices happening right now, but I know it’s just my brain leaking some crap and I ignore it like I would background conversation in a room I’m in.
If you’re almost blacking out from meds, you might be on a high dose! Maybe talk to the doc about the fact you’re going ass over tea kettle in public?
Cheers to you mate, hope it gets better.
I too was on Zyprexa too short to develop things like TD. I developped all sorts of bad responses even with short time use (lots of weight gain, hormonal problems, large darker spots in my face, nightmares, fainting). I started tapering as soon as I had the chance. My metabolism never recovered, I’m still fatter and more sensitive to weight gain than I used to be, and the spots in my face are still there. The rest of it disappeared with quitting.
Yea, about that, that was 3 years ago Aside from cigars, I don’t take any regular medications at the moment. Aside from alleviating anxiety, I found most of the medications I took back then to be unproductive… they worked against me + still heard the same stuff
Hooooo boy. I wish you luck with that. Mrs. Pixel (my wife) and I have an agreement. I don’t stop taking my meds and she doesn’t divorce me. The last time I went off meds I made some horrible financial decisions that took a while to pay off. I’m very lucky she is understanding.
Long term use of any typical or atypical anti psychotic can cause tardive dyskinesia.
These meds work well for some people the TD can dissapear in time or remain its how good is your system really
For me short term I got TD im rare sadly but for a lot of people TD is not a worry
Olanzapine is one of the better ones
Same here after a voluntary injection at hospital. Voices were gone for ten seconds and then came back. I remember it clearly as day. This is odd that it happened to both us. I know the moderators won’t be pleased by this next sentence but I can’t and do not want to put all my hope in Anti-Psychotics in development anymore as all the new ones have been just as good as one another and not any better. (They r shit & do not work)
how much year is long term…i hav been using it for 1 year…n the dose is 2.5 mg…is it dangerous
health problems other than a 300lb weight gain?
Sorry, I ditched that drug within the first 2 weeks of starting it.
I was on 20mg for two years. I put on 30kg and was tired all the time. I hated that drug.
Long term use of Olanzapine can trigger Diabetes.
Weight gain is also very common.
If you are taking Zyprexa, going on a low carb diet and exercising everyday is a must.
I was on Zyprexa for a short while, not long enough to suffer with any major side effects.
Newer APs have a much lower likelihood of causing TD. But some may still develop it.
There are a number of health risks APs can cause long term as well unfortunately.
Zyprexa can wreak havoc with your blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, way more than other APs. I was on it for about a year and now it makes me so ill I can’t take it anymore. It also can cause tardive dyskinesia but I was fourtunate to not get that. I switched to cloazpine and that helps me alot more with fewer side effects.
Been on Zyprexa for four years no TD but it just takes a slight edge off. Hallucinations aren’t my biggest problem but there are other things going on no doubt. And that edge is a dull edge. But everyone is different.