I mean there are a lot of negatives. No one said it could be easy.
We work cuz we have to cuz a society must function everyone playing their part
I never understood that till lately. No one ever said to me “you need to work”. They just kept asking what I’m gonna be when I’m grown up. Misleading questions lead to poor insight in a schizo.
I’m not lAzy. Ok maybe a little. But I don’t want to be lazy.
Then again do I like society??
Probably not. There are terrible injustices.
But I was watching a 6 foot tall kid play football yesterday with his dad. I saw him drop a ball and said “ughhh he’s not gonna make it”. But then I said “but he could get a scholarship to a college And that’s important. Maybe he needs that. And that’s why he’s working hard”. Everyone/everything is part of the integral whole I’m saying.
God works for us, we work for god. Is how I like to think it.
The meaning of life for me is to go forward and become good at living well. And I do think that living and letting the others live as well still makes lots of sense. The biggest food for the human mind is wisdom. The biggest emotion love. Also forgive that lots of us are still not perfect. We can learn though.