Does it look like schizophrenia?

I know they’re just doing their best and probably a lot of people come in with their parents feeding them symptoms, and I get that,
But the thing is there are actually ways in psychiatry to tell WHEN people are faking. everything I’ve explained is consistent.
It just makes me jaded of them, I’m hoping I’m a better shrink


I love that one. Honestly any sort of variation on “if you think you have x, that is the first sign you don’t have x” is my favourite. Literally what even is the point of having any sort of voluntary admission process?

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It made me SO upset like
Just get me help. My life is at risk. I’m telling you what I know. HELP ME

Them : well if you say you need help that’s the first sign that you don’t really need help

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Every mental health awareness campaign that includes the advice “ask for help if you need it” makes me want to screaaaaam

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It just makes me so sad @anon2818416 it’s like. First step to recovery is realizing you have a problem, but it doesn’t count if it’s not under the care of the psychiatrists. They want to take the credit for your realization or something

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I see cats and dogs that aren’t there sometimes. I saw a yellow cat :cat: in church a few weeks ago

Yeah. Like a person :woman_technologist: gets used to it.

Did it go away when you looked directly at it ?

Yes it did 151515

Have you ever had hallucinations that looked solid? I mean like you can see details and you think you can touch it? Because of the mainstream, there is a common beliefe that hallucinations looks and feels very solid.

The cat looked solid.

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When it doesn’t make you uncomfortable…distressed…
Thanks for sharing

I suggest to start seeing a psychiatrist. Even if its on sz still your mind has started to fail you.

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The same thing happens to me. shapes, colors, shadows, seem to stick and catch and trail around wherever i look. Everything seems to move all the time, sometimes things flash in and out. very disorienting. does it ever look like, static electricity to you? flashing? In waves kind of. I have been diagnosed with sz, and am on medication, but this has yet to go away. i have no idea if it’s a symptom, but i do have similar visual disturbances.These are the most mellow ones. If the hallucinations get worse, i’d go back to the psychiatrist. what else do you see?

For me it doesnt flash or it doesnt look like static electricy because my hallucination doesnt involve light or color hallucination.Do you have depersonalization/derealization too? I used to see something like a trippy buda image in school when i look at the wall but it wasnt clear and it included mostly purpe and green colors. And this year for 2 or 3 times i thought i heard someone calling my name but they wasnt but that amount is normal , i guess.My anxiety was at highest level those times and i only saw that in that wall. What else do you see? when did it started for you?

Lol I think that’s my thread you’re talking about. If these symptoms have not been disturbing to you and you don’t deal w things like paranoia or strange thinking and don’t have negative symptoms either then don’t worry about it too much.

Tbh I don’t think I have schizoaffective though that’s my current diagnosis. I think I have some weird sleep disorder that causes psychosis. A lot of my symptoms are strange and I don’t have negative symptoms so I technically shouldn’t even be diagnosed w sza yet here I am because I guess that’s the box I fit best into. My doctors/therapists I’ve seen over time agree I’m not really a typical case but are like whatever you need a diagnosis to get meds. So that’s that.

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I asked my pscyhatrist about those symptoms and she said it is not psychosis it is just illusions, psychosis is far too serious issue and it doesnt affect my daily life, so there is nothing to worry but i should talk to my psycholog about it. I dont know why but i sometimes think i want to go completely mad for example get i kinda want sometimes my dp/dr to get worse or see illusions more often , it is stupid because mental health is serious thing and there is no reason i would want so. Maybe the reason is i want to put a name to things all of those, maybe i got bored of my life and want something strange and different,i dont know.

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