Does it all revolve around me

I feel as though I am responsible for everyone’s happiness and unhappiness. Like it all revolves around me.

Just find 1 counter example and you’ll disprove that delusion.

For example, me. I don’t even know you. So how could you be responsible for everyone’s happiness and unhappiness?

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I don’t think it’s a delusion. I feel my empathic nature. People pick up on it and hold me responsible for their happiness and sadness.

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That’s godlike thinking. I try to remind myself I’m not that special.

Not if Mrs. Squirrel is in the room. Just sayin’!



I think our world is more connected than people give it credit. It’s not that it revolves around me but that everyone can effect how it revolves. My emotions can trigger another but so can their emotions trigger me. Not to quote the lion king or anything, but we are the great circle of life.

My voices say that the world doesn’t exist and I am the only living being so your not alone

Ideas of reference will confirm such things and moves into positive symptoms. If only you were that important. Mind you there was this old royal I forget the name who said honestly. " I know I’m god because when I talk to him I’m the one who is listening " ( paraphrase it was a long time ago ).

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