Does haloperidol make you irritable?

Does haloperidol make one irritable? Today I was major irritable and it caused arguments with my husband. I’ve been so peaceful before but today feel like a snapping monster and it’s not even my pms time. My husband said is my new meds not working and I said I don’t know, maybe the dose is still too low. I’m on 1,5mg now but going up to 3mg next week. I hope it helps me!

That stuff was one step short of clopixol when i was having a meltdown. Didnt make me irritable - just “jerky” and my tounge could not stay in my gob. I always had to have procyclidine when i was on that.

Maybe your body has just gotta learn to tolerate it.

I dont need to tell you that 1st generation drugs like that are gonna be heavy on your system. Maybe your just gonna have to ride it out.

Haldol has been a absolute miracle for me it controls the psychosis and stabilizes my mood but I’m on a stronger dose than you I’m on 10 mg total it’s a lifesaver

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I feel calmer on Haldol. I take 15mg per day

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Thanks guys, it’s probably just my mood or med switch and anyway I’m on very low dose still. When it increases it will help too I hope.

I appreciate your comments! :blush::+1:

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I don’t tolerate Haldol well. Personally, I dread taking the drug. If they want to put me on that drug again they are going to have to catch me first.

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It sedates me too much for me to be irritable. It’s more like, “I’m too tired to nap now.”

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