Does CBD helps with schizoaffective?

I have found on other groups a lot of people say they smoke weed for their schizophrenia. But I don’t want to get high or get paranoid. I used to smoke weed all the time, and it got rid of my hallucinations and made me more social. I read that it can help by rewiring the nerves and neuronal impulses in the brain; so if I did it the right way, I basically was smoking weed for the sole purpose of healing my psychosis and it worked. I still am free of hallucinations and delusions for the most part. I take 10mgs Abilify now. I ordered some CBD because I smoked some cbd hemp flower and found it put me in a good mood and I felt lifted.

Well I ordered a whole bunch of CBD. I Hope it helps me with the depression, although I may end up stopping abilify if its more effective. I’m writing this because I’m a little nervous that its not mainstream treatment, but I have a feeling it could even cure me. So I have CMT also, Charcot Marie Toothe, nerve pain and tinnitus. They all seem linked. My symptoms started with ringing ears and seizure like symptoms. Is it possible that the tissue and white matter around my nerves in my brain are also wearing thin just like around the muscles in my arms and legs?

Is CMT a factor in schizophrenia? Maybe pain, stress, and seizures are all linked to the wearing thin of tissue and grey matter in all the muscles not just my legs and arms and that if I can learn to repair the nerve connections i can heal and cure my mental illness? Doing that would involve taking vitamins and smoking herbs that help with antioxidents to reduce oxidative stress Yoga, music therapy and biofeedback. Just having confidence in my own recovery and will power has been enough to help heal my mind body and spirit.

Some ppl say its good for anxiety and sleep. I dont have anxiety but cbd made me sleepy.

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