Does being in a good mood make relapse less likely?

I like my life at the moment but then again I’ve received a lot of support when it comes to avoiding stressors. I still deny my diagnosis -now more than ever. My cognitive symptoms are almost completely gone. Am I fooling myself into a false sense of security?

In a word, no. 15151515

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Well, I’ll enjoy while it lasts.

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I’m glad you’re having a good experience with it. I would enjoy the ride. I think a positive frame of mind is important, whether you are experiencing symptoms or not.


If you’re stable at a normal level, relapse is farther away. If you’re (hypo)manic, relapse is close. As for depression, that means you are far from a manic psychosis, but meanwhile, you may be close to dysphoric/depressive delusions.


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A good support system, proactive care, managing triggers, and feeling attached to the world are good protectors against relapse. Good moods come and go. It sort of depends on how prepared you are for the bad moods when they arrive.

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i always fear mania when i feel naturally happy but it never ends up being like that. when im depressed i feel at my worse and my psychosis has alot of depressing themes. i feel like im normal on a good day. today im feeling ok

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