It feels like an invisible tube coming from above me into my head and then my body? What could that be? Thanks
sorry can’t help you with that one…
but we see many things as sz…
take care
I got a tight scalp during a relapse, like the skin on top of my head is being pulled up, didn’t like that.
lol i know what you mean. in fact i had it a couple of times and not so long ago. its not so bad of a feeling, kinda strange but better than pain
I was worried it was blood pressure and a kind of stroke.
hmm no i think its some sort of body reaction to the situation, nothing bad necessarely. i got that feeling once i was excited about doing alot of things on the next day and my skin on the skull started to shrink .
That’s it - like your eyebrows are being pulled up tight.
yeah but i was having it further in the back like on the top of my head thats where i felt the shrinking.
I had it forehead to top of head lol - wonder what it is?
no clue, some kind of muscle reaction.
I get a tingling sensation that goes from the top of my head to my feet when I make a connection to something . Usually it means “sneaky brained thinking” for me as @surprisedj would call it.
For me I just think it’s my emotion system just being hyper sensitive and trying to connect anything from music to a place or a person or a “meant to be” or “destiny” sort of thing.
Back when I was religious I asked about it and people said it was just my spirit connecting with God…yeah that helped…NOT
Hence the sneaky brained thinking
This reminds me of the balloon strings that the old man saw in the book “insomnia.”
Sounds similar.
It does sort of feel like a slow jolt… like I just figured out something that no one else has… or could even …
It feels like my brain expanded… I get a bit hyper and euphoric when it hits…
when I try to explain it to others… they never get it…
Sadly my brain is off and running… and I write it off as they are just too unenlightened to see it… ( I never think it’s me… it’s always them)
I never saw that movie… is it possible to provide a clip of that scene?
I wonder what this has to do with this mysterious illness???
It might be a sort of tactile hallucination huh? I wonder why we all have it? it is like one of those medical mysteries
It makes sense! It could also be a tactile hallucination?
It goes from my forehead to the top of my head too… At first I thought it was a connection from my crown chakra to my third eye chakra… but idk anymore… Some scientists should do a study on this
WOW! I have it in the back of my head too on the top of my head and in my forehead area!! this is really wild… it does feel like shrinking too btw!
We need doctors to study this phenomenon! Does anyone know a doc that can study this symptom?
It does feel like blood rushing around sometimes… at least for me