Usually I don’t post what bothers me enough but lately it’s been bothering me a bit
There was a guy in my IOP in 2012
I believe he was out to get me
He planted the messiah belief in me
So did a lot of the group
I may have been vulnerable…to believe anything other than the truth
But it’s hard to delete a delusion when it wasn’t truly created by you
I guess any belief is created by you and your mind technically
But said things like “I never believed in god. Until now when god may be sitting right in front across from me”
I remember not knowing what he meant
I was off meds at the time too
I didn’t believe in Jesus or anything. I was an atheist. But the group convinced me. It’s frustrating.
Last night I had the thought that maybe god wants me to have a good life. And struggling was a part of what it took to grow up. Even if I struggled more than I had to.
But when I saw a psychic she just really said I’m gonna live a long prosperous life. She said important other things I probably shouldn’t mention. But her predictions for greatness were few and far in between. Her predictions for happiness were abundant though.
Maybe happiness is greatness.
Maybe my higher power is important. But it’s stupid to dwell on it.
Maybe I can have faith without taking it to extremes.
I still focus on things that happened since I started high school
Literally I feel like a pariah in my neighbourhood, as all these people with loose mouths spread things about me
My behaviour when ill was also to me personally an embarrassment that I’ll never live down
The whole court imposed things can be a bit flakey
Back in 2004, they had little understanding of what Narcanon was, and they nearly paid them £16,000 to send me there. When I found out it was run by Scientologists, I ended up having all these false beliefs about them…
We’re all victims of places, environments and people we meet. Some people think it’s funny to play along with those who have broken minds, and taunt them.
Some sick individuals out there. I try to isolate myself as best as possible to try and avoid other people poisoning my mind
That said, the right people wouldn’t do that and would have empathy, but somehow I can’t find them in my life
Intensive Outpatient is an all morning and day therapy program that goes 5 days a week where I live. I think the number of days per week varies. Anyway, you spend all day there but sleep at home
Now later on I know that these people took advantage of undiagnosed Autism.
I am wise to it now.
Also I am left alone by these types of people. They crop up sometimes, but unlike school, as an adult you can not associate with them
That’s a good thing. Being a carbon copy drone is not a good thing. Be quirky if you can be! Nothing wrong with it at all
Eventually I will move somewhere with more opportunity to find new people.
My hometown I feel a bit stuck in because my parents live here, and house prices are very expensive if I move North or East along the coast to the nearest city
Things get pretty rough if you move West of where I am
This place is in a just about affordable sweet spot, but I have no connections here for 8 years