for some reason i prefer it, a few minor league teams nearby, lexington, louisville, dayton, indianapolis, and fort wayne. better deals on tickets and food and drinks, also it is laid back, like the games don’t really matter. i like to watch young prospects before they make it big. last time i went to a minor league game was 2 summers ago in louisville, kentucky, the louisville bats, they are the cincinnati reds AAA affiliate. i just read that major league baseball downsized the minor leagues and have 40 fewer teams now than a year ago.
I’m partial to the Arkansas Travelers. My grandfather used to take me to their games when I was a kid. I have fond memories of it.
Triple-A ? 15 char
im also interested in watching some spring training baseball some time.
yeah they classify the minor leagues as low a ball, high a ball, double a ball, and triple a. double a, and triple a cities are filled with major league prospects and some former major leaguers. the players slowly filter their way up from rookie ball to AAA to the big leagues.
We went to a game years ago. A foul ball flew right by my face. That would have hurt. I don’t really follow sports though.
sounds like some good memories.
there are hundreds of teams, and most players don’t make it, but when you watch double a or triple a baseball the players are fairly talented and almost big leaguers.
not too mention most teams have rookie teams in the dominican republic as well. they used to have leagues in venezuela as well, but im not sure if that is the case anymore with the current politics.
My father only took me to one game when we lived in San Francisco. I still remember some names - Willie Mays, Will Mccovey,Juan Marichal, Gaylord Perry,
I’ve been to more than a few major league games. When I was hospitalized in 1982 when I was 21 a psyche tech took a few of us to a minor league game and that’s the only one I’ve ever seen. I prefer major league games. I just like the atmosphere of major league baseball.
It’s just being around thousands of people and seeing the famous names playing and the games just matter more than minor league games. Plus, you have the vendors selling hot dogs and malts and beer. It’s just more exciting to me.
I do have a memory of the minor league game that was kind of interesting. There was a guy in the stands about 20 feet from us who was badly and loudly heckling the players on one team. Calling them bums and losers and other names. Everybody watching could hear him. He was telling the batters they couldn’t hit or how lousy they are. I couldn’t believe it, I never heard anything like it. I couldn’t believe someone would actually do that.
I remember seeing the Oakland A’s play and I knew every player from listening to their games on the radio all the time, it was just cool.
Do they recruit Venezuelans a lot to the US minor leagues. Alcides Escobar played for the WV team and is from Venezuela
I went to games at the Appalachian Power Park in Charleston WV. Pretty fun stuff
That happens a lot at the minor leagues. Especially when the opposing team is at the bat. People in the crowd yell crap at the batter to throw him off his game.
You’d like spring training games. They are very laid back.
I don’t watch major league games. Way too boring but I’m a cricket fan. Yes. Games last 5 days at the elite level and become a draw! Stuff a few hours and some dodgy hitting! Also. You can’t throw to bowl in cricket…you need to have a straight arm…makes it far more interesting because not everyone can bowl at 100mph as can throw!
yes traditionally there are many major league players from venezuela. the cincinnati reds best player eugenio suarez is from venezuela. i think some teams used to have rookie ball and winter league teams in venezuela but im not sure if that is the case anymore. they have great baseball players from that country and all the teams used to scout for players there.
Alcides could run like the wind. I loved watching that kid play. There was another Venezuelan on the WV team but I only remember Alcides cos he played so well
We have a minor league team here. I think they’re affiliated with the Red Sox in some way. There’s a nice stadium downtown but i haven’t been to any games.
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