Does anyone know what instrument this is?

This was given to me from a friend who didn’t know what it was either, but she thought since I’m a musician I could figure it out. I couldn’t. Anybody recognize this thang?


That looks like a French horn no???

Edit never mind maybe a trumpet more but it’s slightly a combo of both maybe IDK


6th grade French hornist here. That’s not a French horn.

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I thought so too, but it doesn’t match the pictures on Wikipedia, so I’m not sure

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Posting a fluegelhorn for side by side comparison

Is it like this I can’t really tell

I’m gonna get a better shot tomorrow in the natural light, my phone kinda sucks

French horn

Yeah it’s def not that. Never realized how advanced a French horn is. And it’s probably not a trumpet since I figure you’d know that one right. ?

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It looks like a Saxhorn

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I’m no musician but just based on looking at instruments thats the closest I could find.

Either a mellophone or a saxhorn. Hard to say.

I googled small tuba and Google showed a euphonium.


By Jove, you GOT IT! THANK YOU!! :partying_face: Now I just have to learn how to play it, I’ve never played a wind instrument before

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