does anyone here have inner peace?
I have too many obsessions, anxiety, worries,ruminations to have inner peace
Yes, sometimes.
I starting to have it.
living in the moment brings peace of mind, the past is gone, the future is not here, all we have is the moment
Yeah I agree @pedro27 but its not that easy for me to stay in the present - but I try
feels delightful
I find a zone every once & a while. I found it late last night/early this morning for instance while listening to music.
no one stands alone we are all held up by others imo in some ways
@wave it takes ‘‘time’’ it took me 10 long years to find this, and my diagnose is the same as yours
Good for you @pedro27 - maybe there is hope
rising above problems and defeating each fear and bad feeling with positive feelings you cant go wrong
we are own best teacher, we are the captain of our ship
the wounds were deep but time has healed them
I have it sometimes… when I can finally quiet my brain.
i trained myself to have it
i mean peace in the sense mostly no bad feelings btw
I have a really hard time staying in the present moment. My mind is stuck in the past, not by choice though. I do see an improvement but a long way to go. I’m gonna do therapy soon, it might help me. I do have a peaceful and fulfilling life, just not satisfied.
what if life didnt end at death? how would you feel?
nothing. It wouldn’t change anything. I can’t control my thoughts.