Does anyone else here have this problem?

i am on abilify and also I find it hard to regulate my body temperature – either I am cold or hot and usually am uncomfortable with either. is this from abilify? anybody else here experience this symptom?


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How old are you, Judy? It could be menopause. Just sayin…

Yeah. I have experienced that… Sweating during the night, as well, yet having chills

hi Patrick it could be that what you say, menopause but I thought maybe abilify is worsening this condition. I am 58 by the way. judy

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I’m on 20mg of Abilify and I haven’t noticed this side effect, which is why I brought up possible menopause as the cause for your discomfort.

I got that on Latuda although it wasn’t very bad. I just had layers, and both a fan and space heater in my room.

My nurse actually mentioned this to me! I live in a city where it gets to be over 100 degrees and she was worried that the abilify would cause an increased risk of heat stroke. I don’t know about every day temperature environments, but my nurse was definitely concerned about the effects of abilify on my body temperature during the summer time.

Maybe call your pharmacist?

Abilify influence the body’s ability to maintain it’s temperature. It is one of the side effects. An occupational therapist once point it out for me because I always sweat so profusely. I use to sweat a lot since childhood. It is just worse with the Abilify.

Yes I have had temperature problems. It’s the schizophrenia not the meds

Also typical ap’s have this kind of side effects.when i was clozaril i used to always sweating.

A psychiatrist I had in the hospital told me to stay out of the sun on my current medication.

I’m on 15 mg abilify and my temperature is stable.