Does anyone else feel artificially normal?

I don’t feel like myself anymore.

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I feel like myself, although it is a different self. I just know I prefer this existence. Meds have helped me tremendously.


I think artificially normal is a good way of describing it. But I’ve felt this way for so long, it’s just ‘normal’ now.

Edit : I’m on meds.

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Hang in there. Are you currently taking medication?

Yes i am on meds

Which medication? I know prolixin made me feel this way. Abilify makes me feel back to normal though

I am on zyprexa, ativan for anxiety, artane for akathisia and lithium for my moods.

Artificially normal is actually a great way of describing how abilify makes me feel. I always wondered how I’d feel on a new med now, like iti-007. It scares me, it could be like a personality transplant.

I haven’t felt like myself at all for 8 years. But I try to not to let it phase me, I am still the person I was before, still the person I see in childhood photos, still the person who was not ill and now ill, even though I don’t feel like I have a identity anymore.

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