Does anyone do HIIT training here

I do HIIT training i think is best training to burn fat. Intense hardcore training is best i think to burn fat. what do you guys think.

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I want to do it but I have no motivation.

Yea they burn lots of calories but I have no motivation :frowning:

why, is because your meds making gain weight.

I have avolition and anhedonia. But I skip breakfast and just have a 150 calories 15g protein bar, I have lost 15lb in 1 month.


so what wrong, your losing weight. Try some HIIT training man. Get in shape its fun.

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How many calories do you consume in a day @Aziz?

I’ve been consuming in the low 900s to low 1000 range.

It’s way too low.


Yea that’s very low. I never counted my calories. I wake up at 7am and have coffee with a protein bar, I don’t eat until 1-2pm but I do eat a lot.

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I consume around 1000 calories a day. i have one big meal for lunch, small meals for breakfast and dinner. Dont want to starve yourself. Your body needs calories and nutrients to function properly too low can be dangerous to your body and organs. I read from an article keep in right calorie range.

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I started doing it a couple weeks ago. I hope it helps me lost weight even more than I have been

Do whatever form of cardio you enjoy. HIIT puts a lot of stress in the body, especially if you are a beginner. Slow, steady state cardio can be just as effective. All HIIT does is it takes far less time.

its should i been reading books about it, theres alot studies shown that it best way to burn fat in short amount of time, remember keep it intense. Keep the heart beat pumping

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Yup. I check my heart rate throughout. Although the machine I used today said my heart rate was 192 and I know it wasn’t because I wasn’t completely out of breath. So I don’t think I can use that machine anymore

HIIT is my favorite form of exercise besides lifting, you can get a full body workout in minutes very effecient.

HIIT is great way to save time. Short intense workouts burn more fat. I see people there for hours and on end. wow im there in and out. im done in like 30-45 minutes thats all.

I do HIIT on the treadmill for 30 minutes 5 days a week. I do weights 3 days a week.

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nice HIIT weight training.

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