Does anyone care?

I feel all alone in the world and directionless.

Go get a walk outdoor. Do a jaw strectching. Climb ladder up and down. Eat your favourite food and beverage. Go take a bath. Sleep early today. — Do more physical activities because the brain will release a hormone that make you happier when you exercise.


I’m physically disabled.

I am sorry I did not know that. You are doing great. I do not know what to say. I could not imagine if I would do better in your situation.

Thank you - you couldn’t know. Thank you for encouraging me.

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Does anyone care?

I always thought that except our closest family, no one ever does.
But I’m paying more attention to good things around now, and I see a little glimpses of humanity here and there…it makes me regain hope in natural goodness inside humans.
Like, I read about this guy who did the whole show to make autistic boy a haircut when his parents got him to saloon…I read about movements, raising awareness, obese girl who starts modeling, sick people making great sport or school reaults, just generally good stuff that happens around.

You have to change your mind because that is what makes you ‘disabled’.

I really do feel how hard it is.


Does anyone care? Yes, I do. There are many of us that feel alone a little bit to pretty much all the time. Most of us cannot change the circumstances of our lives. But what we do have is the ability to change our outlook. Start off small. I have always suggested starting a gratitude journal. Come up with one thing that you are thankful for in your life. Make sure not to repeat your answer more than once a month. Slowly this will change your outlook as you find yourself looking for something else to say.


You have the people on this site. We care. I think I know how you feel. I remember times of intense lonliness in my life. Try not to idealize the notion of a romantic interest in your life. What is actually available in that often isn’t as great as we anticipate. If you do want a relationship you won’t find it moping at home. Get out and circulate. Go to church. Join a book club. I know it is hard, but you need to work to get out of the hole you’re in.


yes :heart:
take care :alien:

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When it comes to people caring about you, it is really a matter of degree. Yes, sometimes we are all really alone in the world. You can’t avoid it. Spouses leave you, family is too busy for you, strangers are in their own little world and need to concentrate on that.

But you can get a minority of people who care for you to a degree. Some doctors do really care for you’re well being, neighbors can be friendly, strangers will smile and be friendly, cashiers may like people, churches are friendly safe places. I’m grasping at straws here. There are support groups.

At the very least, not everybody is against you. I’m sorry if none of this helps. What I wrote is probably obvious to everybody. Some people care for you more than others but I find that being in the proximity of people makes me feel good. Sorry, this probably doesn’t help you.

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**We care! :bird: **

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