Does anybody think they are going to have a good christmas this year

I don’t think I am going to have a good Christmas this year, because I’m going to be alone…unless my parents change their plans. I’m not going to go out of town with my father and step mother, because of my social phobia. They are going to go to my step mother’s family.

I have spent holidays alone before because I get symptomatic around people and noises.

The actual holiday I miss is fine because I’m so out of it.

It’s the day after I get depressed cuz I missed out.

Maybe celebrate early so you can see them

Do you take meds for social phobia? My friend has it and Citalopram helps him a lot. Not to the point of having a gf but now he has lots of friends and stopped isolating. He still has fear of girls though, he has low self confidence and says that this prevents him from having a gf.

He used to stay at home isolating all the time when without meds. Now he hangs out with friends everyday.

Miserable like always my Christmas

I’m looking forward to the days after Xmas. I’m meeting up with a group which is going to be running next year. WOOP WOOP :laughing:

Spending it with the wife’s parents, so, no. It will suck like usual.

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