Does anybody live in a big city in the USA and other countries?

Does anybody live in a big city in the USA and other countries.?

I live in strip of coastal towns and cities that are all linked together.

The conurbation has about 500,000 people living here.

We’re pinned in by a national park and the sea, so quite densely populated

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I live in a smaller city compared to Ney York city…way smaller. It’s average sized compared to the average city in the US

I live in Athens, Greece, 5 million people, I’d say it’s big


@Pikasaur aren’t you from Denmark ? Or do you have the same avatar as the poster going by the nickname Berru ? :thinking:

I live near Paris. Very crowded.

Costa Mesa, CA.

I live in Nanjing, which has 8 millions of people. I like big cities with lots of museums, theatres, shopping malls and parks.

I live in Omaha, NE, USA which in the metro, has over a million people. It has everything a big city should have while still keeping a small town feel.

I used to be Berru, yes. And I am from Denmark

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I used to live in Buffalo, NY and also Chicago, IL

I live in a relatively small town.

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Northern California

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