My parents talked to a social worker, and the social worker said he might have me meet with a guy who has autism, as my case manager.
My husband has autism. And a few others here do as well. I find it easier to socialize with autistics than NT people most days.
What is autism like?
Do you mind me asking, what is autism like?
It’s like being the only functioning person in a room full of broken people.
I don’t know firsthand. I know Mr. Star thinks a lot of things I find obvious aren’t. And a lot of the things he thinks are obvious are confusing to me. We think in VERY different ways. But autistics seem to communicate much more clearly. They don’t play mind games. They say what they mean, even if it isn’t socially appropriate to do so. This isn’t universal, but that is part of why I married Mr. Star. I was sick of people being so confusing all the time and never knowing the weird unwritten rules to dating. With him, there were no unwritten rules. If he wanted something, he asked for it.
Im autistic and schizoaffective. I like to think of myself as a very open and genuine person with a lot of positive qualities. I know i communicate differently than most people. Im more direct and blunt. I mean what i say most of the time. I cant stand feeling any injustice happening. To myself or others. I have rigid rules and routines. I dont have many meltdowns but i do shut down when im overwhelmed. Im shy but i also have social anxiety from bullying. I cant imagine being anyone else so once i figured myself out i was open and loud about it. People always say they admire how open i am about my identity.
I got social phobia from being bullied as well.
Dxed May 2019, at the age of 62. Obviously not a 24x7 severely autistic person , but also don’t identify with those who see it as a Mary Poppins bag full of gifts.
Some who are autistic can be very ‘political’ (broad sense of the word) and quite intimidating in terms of how they think things should be . That’s especially so on Twitter.
I am very open about my far leftist views and it causes me some drama in my family sicne my family is republican mostly. But yeah im out spoken about it
5a : the total complex of relations between people living in society
b : relations or conduct in a particular area of experience especially as seen or dealt with from a political point of view office politics ethnic politics
i got autism and sz.
Yes I have Autism.
It was not diagnosed until I was 32 and it blew my mind in that I could finally see why things growing up had been so hard.
Literally, I spent about 3 months unpicking everything in my head, and it caused me some instability and of course - anger.
I was at school in England during the 90’s and early 2000’s. They did not really focus on it much then
If only they had put me in front of a specialist, rather than excluding me all the time for my disruptive behaviour.
It was really tough, as I was severely bullied and taken advantage of at school especially. These people knew exactly how to take advantage of my social flaws.
Now Autism is my strength, as I know my logical thinking comes into play very heavily, which my case manager says is a positive thing, and I agree
It’s not all bad. I am not completely debilitated by my Autism, but it makes things very hard dealing with people. My paranoia, anxiety and so called depression I think would not be as amplified if it wasn’t for this.
I also have zero social life. Have spent years online trying online dating and meet ups etc, but I have failed. If it wasn’t for my family I’d be alone all the time. It really isn’t fair that they have to take the strain - especially my parents
Diagnosed as a child, (under 18), the diagnosis has only really helped with cases for disability otherwise I haven’t really given any real support (In the U.K.)
Idk, I feel it’s just a label where people don’t bother with it in the medical profession - they don’t see the problem; just accept being socially inept or trying too hard - no real balance
İ didn t diagnosed but i think i m autistic.
Sadly the pattern for all too many of us who are later found to be on the autism spectrum. All too often accompanied, by a response to us by mental health professionals, if mental health problems develop, that has been more dismissive and judgemental than caring and supportive.
I’m suspected autistic but can’t afford the neuropsych testing. It’s in my chart, though, so apparently my pdoc was sure enough. 🤷
I have a hard time with communication. I am very blunt and say exactly what I mean. Most people don’t like that. They think I’m being mean or rude. When really I’m just saying what everyone else would, just without the sugarcoating.
I was diagnosed at age 4-5
Still got bullied
I don’t know anyone else on the spectrum apart from yourself and some others here.
The mental health people pointed me in the direction of the third sector, but I tried a few places and it was all online due to covid, and some didn’t even put me on their list it was so long
Tried to find some support through youtube videos for advice, but I found some of these people to wear their autism as a badge of honour, rather than something that does actually make some peoples lives very difficult.
They seem conceited if that’s the right word
Conceited is a good word
I hate people who glorify autism