Does anybody have a good spot to sit outside? For example a patio

Does anybody have a good spot to sit outside? I have a patio, for smoking cigarettes.


I’ve got a nice back deck, big enough for a small table and chairs and a barbecue with room left over to sit. Beautiful view of the country


I have a bench outside I sit on sometimes when I smoke.
Used to have a small table and chairs in the back, but we moved them to the side when the management asked us to move our shed to the back.


When I move I will have a balcony so I can not smoke indoors when I finally have outdoor space


i have a nice sized area out back with patio, its communal but i do most of the work maintaining it, i get a break in the winter with the weeds but the bin area needs cleaned (did that last week) i need to wash the bins again but its great to sit and relax. any pics?


I have a patio in the back and a small front porch with a chair I like to sit on once in a while and enjoy the outdoors.


My apartment doesn’t have a terrace but if I want to sit outside I go to a park or my mum’s place. She has a nice garden.


Yes. A patio and a garden. It’s winter now so I’m not sitting out in it.


I have a deck. I used to spend a lot of time there but I don’t now that I exercise everyday

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I have a front porch, but for more than half the year, it’s too hot to sit outside.

We have a shared deck between the manse and the guest house.

I’ve a spot set up under the gazebo, looking out onto the trees and the pool. Great hang out spot when I can.

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I have my front porch To smoke on

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The apartment building I live in has an area outside to sit with a small pond and water fountain. Also there is a covered area with picnic tables. The smoking area is a screened in porch.


My apartment has a good sized balcony on the second floor with an outdoor loveseat and large end table looking out over a well manicured courtyard. For half the year, it’s too cold to sit outside though.

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