I struggle with doing chores.
I have a new philosophy to my life, which i found out recently that Elon Musk and Bill Gates also do. Its allotting my time in 5 minute increments. I have a list of EASY tasks for myself to complete in the day but only for 5 minutes so theyre easy.
Like ill clean, but only for 5 minutes…that way i can always do it
read but only for 5 minute
Write a journal, but only one sentence
watch a 5 minute music theory video
eat 1 fruit
Do the dishes but only 5 minutes
apply to 1 job (5 mins)
Etc etc.
Its so easy its fail proof and ive found myself getting through 25+ tasks a day, whereas if i forced myself to read for one hour per day, id just spend the whole day watching youtube and avoiding doing what i need to do.
Its called time blocking or time boxing
Some actually schedule their days, but i just make a list and do the tasks at my own pace taking breaks in between
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