Sorry, I’m just venting. Does anybody get pissed off as well? I know people get pissed off, but sorry I’m just venting again.
Yes I do most of the time.
I do because I fight so much against it. And sometimes it feels like my efforts are for nothing. It’s pretty demoralising at times.
Also pissed at the internet and corona
Sorry I didn’t mean to effect people, in a negative way. I was just venting.
Sometimes I feel cheated.
Most of the time I’m pretty chill tho
@Marbles we do not allow discussion of drugsor alcohol except in a recovery sense.
I used to, but at this point I’ve gotten past the anger and all that “why me?” crap that never accomplishes anything for anyone. I just do the best I can and play the hand I was dealt.
I feel better now.
yes i do get pissed off. i sometimes feel i got screwed by God. i have the genes or psychology for sz and I keep reincarnating with schizophrenia at 21 or 22 years old for eternity as a 21 or 22 year old in 2011. I’m stuck in a computer program that begins around 2011ish maybe 2012/2013 at the latest. It’s like I wake up and quantum mechanics or string theory doesn’t change. It’s hell. I mean what could be worse than living a life with psychosis for eternity and no cure or relief in sight?
My hope is my own deluded mind and brain and taking experimental cures based on my broken and deluded mind.
Just don’t give up. Keep it up man…it is possible for you to get better.
I went to school for nursing to become a RN. I feel cheated because the positive symptoms of sz prevented me from studying for my state boards so I couldn’t become a nurse. I had to settle with working as a STNA ( State Tested Nursing Assistant ). I have also struggled with social anxiety. On the plus side working as an STNA did help me to overcome my shyness. I have a problem expressing myself verbally so it enabled me to practice using verbal communication skills that I learned in school.
If I want to go into that mindstate I can very easily switch into it. But it doesn’t help if I dwell in it. Sometimes I do lapse into upset Ness, or dissapintment.
Yes, i am pissed off with sz. I would be still in my hometown, having our local friends, our family life would be in a better different way. Maybe i would still work in the company where i started my apprenticeship. I definitely would have had a wife and children, but i live in a foreign city with strangers, not speaking my motherlanguage.
Rare for me to get angry, I am a calm person
I think its great expressing anger in comprehendable words. Saves me a punchingbag and i get a solution.
i would have been an investment banker making 500K+ a year with over a million dollars in assets lol…ya I’m pissed.
Not SZ, it’s mostly a non-issue for me now. I get frustrated when I bump into limitations caused by my heart condition. I get partway through doing something and realize I lack the necessary circulation for that kind of exertion. Very annoying. The concommitant nitro migraines do nothing to improve one’s mood.
I’m disappointed with myself that leaves me angry, sometimes.
Really, the only time I get angry is when someone lies to me or treats me badly.
I almost always tell friends and family where they stand with me.
Not angry just sometimes sick and tired that’s all.