im going to do a 4 day challenge wearing foil without telling anyone. Ill have a hat on so they cant tell how crazy i am. or maybe witht the foil on they cant tell how crazy i am…because it would be block signals that would make you do werid things
No. Neither does blowing a crap tonne of money turning a room of your home into a Faraday cage (copper is freaking EXPENSIVE). Which I actually did and had the credit card bill to prove. (And also why Mrs. Pixel says “stay on your meds”.)
The best way to block out MKUltra is to see your doctor or treatment provider for a med adjustment. Take it from someone who has spent a quarter century dealing with outbreaks of intrusive and targeting thoughts.
I’ve only tried tinfoil for a halloween costume and it didn’t work.
Once again, we are here to help each other overcome delusions, not encourage them.
Well if they realized this notion existed before we even had the telephone it might help them see passed it.
I mean there’s people who’ve heard the same personality in their heads for the past 20 years 24/7 who believe this kind of stuff and that aint humanely possible.
I’m too scared to google…
sounds bad though…
Daimon, we’re here to help people overcome delusions, not encourage them. There are websites to discuss those topics, if you want. This website is not one of them.
I’m not trying to encourage it I’m just showing how silly it is.
What’s silly now is logical somewhere else. Ignorance is bliss. What was silly in the past is reality now.
Why did my delusion have to be demons… why couldn’t it be pixies and fairies and leprechauns… meh… woe is me…
well there are people here who have a pretty rough time with those guys, too.
My cognition went up once I started viewing it as demonic. It is a more coherent reality than many of the other weird notions you can have… you’ll blend in by going to church, but wearing a tinfoil hat is gonna make you look strange.
@rhubot but they seem a more kind entity to deal with than demons… I mean the worst thing about the demon delusion is literally thinking your possessed… I avoid church like the plague …
Everyone wants to congregate after sermon
What the heck am I supposed to say… oh hi… I’m eric… I’m a loser that doesn’t work… I have mental illness maybe all of you can form a prayer circle around me and pray for my soul and mind to be saved …
And then what so they do it… and days… weeks… months go by with no change and then I question if it works or not…
I did mention that I called the Catholic Church once trying to get excorcist and it told me the number was blocked… lol…
I could only imagine getting through to a real priest at the Vatican to tell them I’m possessed only to have them tell me no you’re not you’re just insane…
That sounds seriously awful. I’m so sorry you’re going through it.
I won’t argue about which is worse, just let you know that some people with fairy delusions have not found them to be at all kind, but instead extremely cruel.
Yes but see my belief in pixies is that they’re kind fairy folk… so… I imagine if I had that delusion it might be a happy one … in fact I’m curious
Has anyone ever had a delusion that was not scary and was actually kind of cool?
My religious delusions have all been really really terrifying …
No. Mine are all of the utterly terrifying variety.
umm, what are you experiencing?
I think they call it MKultra2
as the history is there but nothing presently yet
I have never even heard of MKUltra until I just googled it. Interesting. I have a mind control delusion and I had never even heard of it. My advice is skip the foil and take your meds.