
Is the psychiatrist-patient relationship based entirely on control?

I don’t think so.

It’s all about getting paid, the helping people is secondary.

In the hospital, that’s where it seems more about control.

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I dont think so also.
In my case he is a pretty cool guy, and it is the state that pays him not me, so I don’t feel controled, rather well taken care of actually

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The Doctor-Patient relationship is based on control - gaining control over your symptoms.

The doctor prescribes medications and the patient either takes it or doesnt.

The whole idea of psychiatry is based on chemical control.

Thank-you. Mental health act etc.

Some patients with SZ deserve to go untreated. I feel like such a patient, but no one else accepts that within my community - certainly not my county case worker or psychiatrist.

So, I’ll figure out a way to conquer the lame-duck medication I have to take + SZ. I guess I just have to deal with the fact that I was handed a crass hand in life… Conquer it all.

It’s a sacrafice for me to have to take the medication, but according to the big fear, “the negatives”, which I’ve certainly had in spades in the past, its a definite necessity. Sure, it cuts my creativity to some degree, but at least I can function on a level I guess, for me anyway.