Do your hallucinations predict the future? See this

@Tjluper @RonP56 @anon63380492 @Musicdance @Watchers

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Do you guys believe this or prefer to believe the voices can actually do this?

Refering to the articke i dont see how i couldve had the thought five seconds before the happening

I think the cause is that psychosis messes with your memory so you forget what you will do and then later think its the voices that predicted your action.

My voices make long-term predictions. Probably rubbish though.

I mean it could explain some of it, but not all of it. Several times I have “checked in” to correct for this, by making a prediction, waiting and then doing it to see if it happened the way I predicted. And other times, it’s been way more than 5 seconds into the future.

But I do think this is part of the puzzle.

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First of All The Term; “Clairvoyant” is a French word which is defined into English directly to mean, “Clear Vision” and additionally it has to with perception beyond the ordinary sense of “seeing”, typically associated with the paranormal but includes visual percpetion beyond the typical spectrum or normal range of many people. For instance some people have far greater than 20/20 vision and there are people that have demonstrated to see in different parts of the spectrum of visual light.

Often it has nothing to do with “prediction”, but rather, seeing things as if a veil is lifted. Sometimes people have visions of the future, but in the literature of parapsychological research (which is vast by the way) more often than not, clairvoyance, is typically associated with beyond the typically visual specturmof most people, which are not commonly perceived in our culture and society. In other societies, indigenous and non-western societies, its rather common for a person to at least once in their life perceive entities, beings, other “things” or activity beyond not only visual sense, but also other senses.

There are “Clear” abilities beyond just “vision”, such as “Clairaudience” which has to do with hearing beyond the common audio spectrum of of that which most people perceive.

In this culture we routinely have beaten into our heads that there is only one way to perceive things and consensus is judge to be anything a guy in lab coat can measure and discect in a lab. If that was the truly the case, psychiatry would not exist at all at this point, for most of its diagnosing has nothing to do with laboratories and measurement results. It should be as defunct as Alchemy.

Its only logical, given evolution and mutations which fuel it, that there would be those that perceive things beyond the capabilities of others.

Many have argued for a while now that, a large part of the reason our species has survived the last 316,000 pretty much intact, is because of genetic variation such as these. It is only recently that people with such perceptual abilities have been seen as “diseased”. They question is why, and who benfit$?

Do You Know That Jeff Bezo Owns The Washington Post? Quite the “Material Girl”, isn’t he? Mammon Zone Founder :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I couldn’t read the article because it asked me to pay but I do not believe in clairvoyants or psychics. If someone is able to predict the future it is because their ability to deduce future events based on logic or a kind of subconscious “intuition”, either that or they just plain get lucky. IMO anyway.

If people could predict the future based on supernatural means, someone would have been able to have proven it scientifically by now.

I have actually had the thought that I might be mixing up time in my memories of when a voice says a word or phrase and when I read or hear that word or phrase. This was a fairly recent thought of mine, after thinking, for at least ten years, that the voices are always making predictions. Interesting to read that article, explaining how they have actually done experiments based on the idea of people mixing up time and thinking that they are clairvoyant.

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The voices say stuff that happens in the future… sometimes a few minutes after. Sometimes things happen later… like months later… I haven’t read the article as yet, but I will.

I used to think my voice predicts future, but tracing back afterwards, those were wrong…

@Musicdance i found this on qoura too

Because we are creating our own realities, according to some psychological brain scans during different experiments up to 18 seconds ahead of time we can tell what is coming, though the average was about 8 seconds I think, not sure. And some only a few seconds before.

Consciousness creates reality, the delay between the brain receiving those messages and that creation either appears to be different for some people or some people are more sensitive to it.

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@Musicdance @anon63380492 this is also an explanation

Large frontal lobes,when you know all the parameters, you can predict how events will unfold,however, the longer the time frame, the more parameters are involved,after a few seconds, they become too numerous to retain and predictive accuracy disintegrates


Sometimes I get these really intense images that feel like they’re going to happen, but they don’t, which is good because they’re always extremely unpleasant.
Other times I get de ja vu really intensely and think I dreamt this. Happens a ton, I don’t really believe jt to be true anymore but I used to.
This is the closest I can relate

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Some people think their dreams can predict the future as well and then that gives you de ja vu. Ie a dream that you had years before comes through in reality presently

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Its all the brain doing it. I think its cool tbh. Only because im not hearing voices :joy: