Do you write lol for no reason?

I have a problem with writing lol a lot even when its not funny. Feels like cognitive symptoms, a tic.

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Even my friends told me I use lol for no reason.

Yeah I do lol, 90 percent of my friends also do it.


One of my friends always writes ok for anything I type lol


One of my friends and I used to text “oh” to each other all the time. Now I find it cold for some reason.

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I think its part of the inappropriate emotions of sz. I laugh in funerals and in church.

I remember laughing a lot when I heard that my grandmother died. My brother beat me up when I did this.

Yes I write it all the time lol :joy: and I usually do that emoji to go along with it

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The inappropriate laughing in real life got me into trouble.

In the funeral and church they probably thought I was mocking God.

Are funerals funny?

Lol, I use it a lot, lol,.

I never saw you use it here.

I use it, I use to use its lot more. Maybe I don’t use it a lot anymore.

Inappropriate affect is not exclusive to those suffering with SZ
People with bipolar can have it also.


I write haha now, but for a long time I’d write lol to seem disarming or to emphasize that I wasn’t being negative or serious

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I write lol sometimes when I chuckle or smile.

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lol no, I don’t, lol

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Yeah. Most of the time as filler or when I am high on serotonin.

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