Do you think your friends or family members stalk your posts here?

Recently I talked with my mom and she sometimes says sometimes similar or related to the forum posts I share. P.s. I’m just suspicious not paranoid.

Nope. My husband never comes here. I’m not worried if he did. I have nothing to hide. He knows I’m I’ll abd supports me fully.

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I worry sometimes that my nurse, pdoc or my best friend comes to this site and spies on me but really I’m like so what? They all know everything about me and I don’t reveal here anything they already don’t know.

My husband knows I come here.

I don’t think he would invade my privacy by stalking my posts.

I had thoughts that my brother was doing just that

I’m pretty sure my family has no idea I come on here… and even if they did, I wouldn’t care. I like it on here. I find it therapeutic.

The deal is that my mother does not know English language but my sister does. Also few months ago she visited us from England and I allowed her to spend some time on pc before cleaning and wiping out my history and cookies.

Yes. 65457788866

My wife does occasionally. She doesn’t like me to be on here. If she is in the room I keep my phone in my pocket or she asks to see it.

Nobody knows I come on here except for you people.

I just don’t tell them I come here.

My parents know and its ok with them as long as I am not in or causing trouble. I still don’t tell them everything I do here.

No, but there’s nothing I post that they don’t know anyway, I don’t think.

My mother found posts by me as I had a picture she had seen before and my username was scottb

Luckily the mods helped me anonymise again

No i’m not concerned. My partner gives me my own space and privacy.

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