‘do you think the brain wants to be sick’
just wondered what your thoughts on this statement are
‘do you think the brain wants to be sick’
just wondered what your thoughts on this statement are
What if someone said
‘do you think the body wants to be sick’, I think we could all agree it doesn’t.
the brain is not the body though
Actually it is when you think about it. At least that’s my opinion anyway.
i think it is part of the full body as well but i also think its so much more than just that,
I’m not sure. The brain has a mind of its own.
I think that sickness can be a response to protect itself
I’ve read things about trauma being a catalyst to psychosis/schizophrenia. In those cases, it’s thought, the brain makes itself “sick” as a kind of coping mechanism. It comes up with unreal solutions to extreme reality because there is no rational response to trauma/abuse/neglect. I don’t claim any specific ideas in this regard, though. If educated professionals don’t know for sure, then I certainly can’t claim to know.
Are you talking about munchausen syndrome?
That seems like a rational explanation, to me. I think you’d be interested in the dissociative response of our mind
Do you have something specific I could read?
What if the mind dissociates itself from the heart?
Actually I’ve noticed a similarity between schizophrenia and major depression in that the subconscious mind hates itself. People can actually hate what they are about if they have a overwhelming feeling of failure or worthlessness. That is why some of us cut, starve, or kill ourselves. The fact that is not considered rational is why it’s called a mental illness. A lot of normies harm themselves through overeating or too much alcohol and drugs as part of “celebrating”. It’s not considered irrational because they do it on a holiday instead of every day. But I think it’s the same principle. When we don’t measure up to what we feel we should be we get angry at ourselves or others.
I think my subconscious mind is pretty OK with itself.
Also pretty sure my brain doesn’t want to be sick.
I don’t think my brain has a will of it’s own, brain is part of the body, and it all functions together in one petit somewhat happy, yet optimistic, organism.
No. I think certain people enjoy being sick, IOW, professional victim status. Not saying this about you, just a general observation.
Well I guess since my own schizophrenia has been mixed with depression that’s how I’ve viewed it. Are your voices actually nice to you?
I don’t hear voices.
Admittedly if it were up to me I wouldn’t have a sick mind. That’s obvious. If it were my choice I wouldn’t choose to have my mind attack itself. In a way I’ve partially chosen to not hate myself by finally taking antidepressants to improve my mood and subsequently my voices mood. The drugs help me think less about my failures in life and make me less self judgmental and allow me to focus on more appropriate things. However I have to keep taking those pills because they wear off after another. I think my mind attacked itself because I didn’t live up to the standards I gave for myself in life. The reason that I’m sick however is due to being ill and probably a genetic misfortune. However my mental state of self loathing determined how the illness expressed itself.
I don’t think it wants to be sick. No, the organism, all your being wants to survive, be healthy and transmit genes.
However, as @Hedgehog said, some psychology experts believe some of deviations in human mentality (e. g. not feeling like human (not feeling emotions), multiple personality disorder) are developed for a purpose of survival.
I am thinking about one deviation that might miss this purpose - suicidal thoughts. Maybe they were made by brain so that we kill ourselves and our improper genes don’t transmit