Do you think that an add-on diagnosis could be caused by medications and not be organic?

you remember that old childrens rhyme … the farmer got a cat to eat the mouse but then had a problem with the cat , so he got a dog to eat the cat , then he needed something to take care of the new problem ( not even sure if im telling it right but you get the gist - one solution created a new problem that had to be taken care of and the entire thing just kinda had a snowball effect )

well has anyone ever wondered if a later (after meds) discovered diagnosis or add-on diagnosis to your original diagnosis of sz is really organic in nature something that was always there just waiting in the shadows to be discovered … or if it is actually caused by the medication or a combination of medication ( or a temporary condition resulting from your body adjusting to a medication change ) . For example your diagnosed with sz now comes the meds , adjustments to your medication different things are tried and pretty soon your being diagnosed with new mental illnesses ( bipolar or anxiety disorder or a mood disorder exc. which in turn needs an additional medication regime of its own )

just wondering what everyones thoughts were on this idea of mental disorders caused by medication ( or in other words a misdiagnosis or partial misdiagnosis due to medications )

I’ve wondered about that. But how do you begin to sort it out? Something I take makes me not able to think, I think. That makes it kinda hard to figure such things out.

im just a skeptic i guess i would probabally be less of one if every doctor didnt have a different opinion about what he thinks you have kinda makes one wonder if its not just a bunch of people with opinions doesnt encourage confidence :rolling_eyes:

I rely on myself.